By Jean Marie Scott, Associate Vice Chancellor for Risk and Safety Services (831) 459-3031

Rosemary Anderson, who served as the Interim Director of Emergency Management and Business Continuity Planner, has accepted an appointment as Emergency Services Manager for the County of Santa Cruz. Her appointment will commence in January 2016. Rosemary has served the University community for over twenty-two years. She has worked in key roles in Business Continuity, Emergency Management, Disability Resources Services, Porter College, CUHS, and Student Affairs. She has been an active participant and contributor on the UCSC Staff Advisory Board, Council of UC Staff Assembly (CUCSA) and the system wide Business Continuity Planners. She also coordinated local support for the annual Tour de Dreams ride in support of our AB 540 students.
Effective December 23, 2015, Jean Marie Scott, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Risk and Safety Services will be the contact for all operational issues related to emergency management and business continuity, including oversight of the Fire Services Agreement with the City of Santa Cruz. The AVC will also be the emergency and business continuity contact for UCOP, County, State, and Federal agencies.
Emergency management duty coverage, inclusive of coordination in the event of a campus EOC activation, is being provided by the Campus Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal.
A recruitment for a new Emergency Manager will commence in January, 2016.