In addition to CruzAlerts received whenever there is a significant disruption or incident on campus, you may be familiar with other kinds of alerts that you receive on your smartphone. This page discusses those mobile alerts and other services you can opt-in to in order to enhance your awareness.
Wireless Emergency Alerts
The CalAlerts Page provides details regarding the mobile alerts you automatically subscribe to, these are:
- AMBER or America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Alerts are issued by Law Enforcement agencies for the specific purpose of attempting to locate an abducted child.
- Imminent Threat Alerts are issued when an imminent threat to life or property exists in your area, including severe man-made or natural disasters such as earthquakes, wild fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
- Presidential Alerts are the only alerts that you cannot manually opt out of. They are issued by a President or their designee during a national crisis.
MyShake delivers earthquake alerts across California, Oregon, and Washington.
Opt-In Alert Services
There are two services local to the University of California Santa Cruz that offer emergency notification and awareness of incidents in the Santa Cruz area, these are:
- PulsePoint Respond – A service used by the Santa Cruz Fire Department (SCFD) and Santa Cruz County (SZU) to provide mapping and community awareness. You can configure this service to receive an alert when CPR is needed near you. Information from this service is curated by dispatch services to provide a live feed. You can download the application from the Google or Apple stores.
- Santa Cruz Nixle – A service that ties into alert broadcasts from the Santa Cruz Police Department. This will allow your smartphone/e-mail address to receive SMS notifications from SCPD regarding advisories, warnings, and alerts.