Public Safety is strengthened when there is a partnership between emergency services and the people who rely on those services. Emergency procedures are recommended courses of action. When experiencing a critical incident, each individual must observe, assess, plan, and act based on their own confrontation of the events as they unfold.
The UCSC campus is positioned in one of most beautiful parts of the United States. However, our region also provides natural hazards such as earthquakes, wildland fires and Tsunami. Visit the Emergency Procedures page to be informed and ready to respond to potential the risks and hazards of a campus community.
Mutual Aid
The campus receives mutual aid from various surrounding public safety agencies and also provides mutual aid to these agencies through the California Master Mutual Aid Agreement. For police incidents, the Santa Cruz Police Department and the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office are the two primary mutual aid partners. For fire and medical incidents, the Santa Cruz Fire Department is the primary mutual aid partner and ambulance service for the campus is provided by AMR as part of their contract with Santa Cruz County Emergency Medical Services. Other state and local police and fire agencies may also respond to campus as needed based on the nature of the incident.