CERT Class 12-01 Finishes Training

By  Chris Gaylord, Campus Emergency Manager (831) 459-2342

CERT Class 12-01 with instructors Eng. Andy Emhoff (left) and Capt. Chris Gaylord (right)

Ten UCSC staff completed Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Class 12-01 today. This marks UCSC’s 18th CERT class since 2005.

The eight staff members from Housing and two staff members from Digital Arts completed 20 hours of classroom and hands-on training which included: CERT organization and the incident command system; disaster psychology; disaster medical operations; basic fire suppression; and light search and rescue. The training culiminated with a full-scale disaster exercise at the campus fire station where the new CERT graduates had to use their training to assess and mitigate various hazards and rescue and treat simulated injured patients. The CERT graduates will take the skills they learned back to their respective colleges and units and serve as a core of trained individuals in the event of a major disaster.

For more information about the campus CERT program, please visit the Fire Department’s CERT Training page

Last modified: Oct 14, 2024