Test of New Everbridge System for CruzAlert

By  Chris Gaylord, Director, Emergency Management (831) 459-2342


As previously shared earlier this month, Information Technology Services (ITS) has been working with the Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the Police Department on the implementation of the new Everbridge system for sending CruzAlerts on campus to replace the WARN Command system which has been in place since 2008.

CruzAlert Test – June 3

ITS and OES will be conducting a full-scale campus test of Everbridge on Wednesday, June 3 starting at 10:45 AM to ensure that the system is configured properly prior to the changeover. This testing will last approximately one hour. If a follow-up test is necessary, it will be sent at 12:15 PM.

During this test, a CruzAlert message will be sent to all registered campus phone numbers (voice), all registered cell phone numbers (text and voice), and all campus email addresses (email). The test message will also be posted to the CruzAlert Facebook and Twitter accounts.

The text of the message will vary based on delivery method. Text messages will be a short message for quick delivery, while emails will be longer and more detailed. Voice calls will include a pre-recorded standard greeting followed by a text-to-speech rendition of the message.

Action Requested

In preparation for the test, we ask that you review your CruzAlert registration information and make any necessary changes no later than 5:00 PM today, June 2 at: http://cruzalert.ucsc.edu

Emails from Everbridge will display the name “UCSC CruzAlert <do not reply>”. Depending on your email client, you may see only this name or may also see an email address in the format of “conf-470203632@everbridge.net”. The actual number in this address is unique to each notification and will change, but any email with an @everbridge.net address is a legitimate CruzAlert or test. Because these emails are sent by the Everbridge system, you should not reply directly to these emails.

Phone calls will display a caller ID of (831) 459-4636 and text messages will display a sender ID of 89361. ITS recommends creating a contact entry with these numbers so that when a CruzAlert is received, it will display as “CruzAlert” for ease of recognition.

If you have any questions, please submit an IT Request ticket at http://itrequest.ucsc.edu or contact the ITS Support Center by email help@ucsc.edu, telephone 459-HELP(4357), or in-person Kerr Hall Room 54.

Thank you.

Last modified: Oct 14, 2024