UC Ready Enhancement Project

By  Rosemary Anderson, Business Continuity Planner 


Project Overview

UC Ready is a web-based software tool that provides a step-by-step process for creating a business continuity plan. It is one component of a systemwide continuity planning program that helps UC manage risks to the University’s mission caused by an adverse disruptive event. In early 2014, The UC Ready Enhancement Project was established to improve the functionality of the UC Ready tool. The project’s goal was to identify the key enhancements necessary to continue to grow UC continuity planning efforts. In conjunction with this project, a decision was made to shift the strategic focus of continuity planning from the departmental-level to the campuswide level. The enhanced UC Ready tool will incorporate all of the previous tool’s functionality and include key enhancements that enable the an important strategic shift to include campus level continuity planning efforts.

Some of the key enhancements include:

  • The ability to conduct a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) to identify the most critical functions and time sensitive processes
  • The ability to develop a campuswide mission continuity plan and provide reports at the campus and system-wide levels

The enhancements to UC Ready are currently underway with campus rollout scheduled to start in May. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Last modified: Oct 14, 2024