Campus Emergency Manager Chris Gaylord Receives CEM Designation

In February 2011, Campus Emergency Manager Chris Gaylord was recognized as a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) by the International Association of Emergency Managers.

The CEM designation requires passing an exam on emergency management principles as well as submitting a comprehensive application packet documenting the individual’s qualifications as an emergency manager. This application package includes information on work history, documented experience in either an actual disaster or a major emergency exercise, training in both emergency management and general management practices, various contributions to the profession of emergency management (often outside of the individual’s routine job duties) and a management essay on emergency management principles. Once certified, a CEM must submit a reapplication every 5 years documenting addtional continuing education and professional practice experience.

While certified in February, Captain Gaylord was recognized with a formal presentation of his certificate at the 58th Annual Conference of the International Association of Emergency Managers in Las Vegas on November 16, 2011. Captain Gaylord and other recent CEM designees received their certificates from Col. N. Thomas Greenlee, USAF, the Chair of the CEM Commission.

Capt. Gaylord receives his certificate from CEM Commissioner Col. Thomas Greenlee, USAF
Last modified: Oct 14, 2024