
The UC Santa Cruz Floor Marshal Program was established to provide a standardized set of processes for evacuation, sheltering, communication and reporting during critical campus incidences.


The Floor Marshal role is an invaluable extension of emergency services at UCSC.  Floor Marshals work collaboratively with the Office of Emergency Management, Building Emergency Coordinators, Business Continuity Coordinators and their zone members to provide immediate evacuation or sheltering guidance as outlined in the Floor Marshal Manual.

Floor Marshals facilitate access and functional need requests for persons with disabilities.  The guidelines for assistance have been prepared with oversight from university authorities with designated roles in access, functional, emotional and psychological needs.  

Chief Responsibilities

A Floor Marshal should be a full-time employee with at least six months of employment history.  A Floor Marshal will be able to perform the following duties:

  • Report emergencies by dialing UCSC Police at 911.
  • Be familiar with the pull alarm and fire extinguisher locations of your building.
  • Receive and review a copy of your department’s Emergency Action Plan (EAP) from your Business Continuity Coordinator.
  • When working within your zone, sweep the area during an evacuation.
    • Steer occupants to the safest, quickest exit.
    • If necessary, advise occupants to avoid using the elevator.
  • When working outside of your zone or building, be an on-the-scene Floor Marshal and assist in the sweeping of occupants toward the nearest and safest exit.
  • Be familiar with your evacuation, assembly, sheltering, and secure in place areas and procedures.
  • Maintain a roster of employees and students working within your zone. Take this roster with you upon evacuating.
  • Tag elevators with “Do Not Use” signs, when appropriate.
  • When requested, assist individuals with a disability.
  • Confidentially, and in coordination with your Building Emergency Coordinator, receive requests for emergency evacuation assistance from persons with a disability. Adhere to privacy laws (guidelines within this manual).
  • Maintain crowd control, remind everyone to remain calm.
  • Keep roads clear for emergency responders.
  • Upon evacuation, go to the nearest assembly area and begin completing your zone roster. Check in with your Building Emergency Coordinator to share the data of your zone roster.
  • Participate in evacuation drills and exercises.
  • Participate in Floor Marshal training (every 2 years).


Visit the UCSC Learning Center for training opportunities.  To find a course, go to the Learning Center and enter the name of the class in the query field.


Click here to download the Floor Marshal Manual.


Please contact the Office of Emergency Management at (831) 459-3828 or oem@ucsc.edu.

Last modified: Oct 09, 2024