UCSC Emergency Operations

UCSC Emergency Management staff and others participate in a state training exercise in Oakland
UCSC Emergency Management staff and others participate in a state training exercise in Oakland

Campus emergency plans are modeled on NFPA 1600 – Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs (2007 Edition), which was voluntarily adopted by all University of California campuses, medical centers and other facilities in 2004.

Emergency Response Plan

The campus Emergency Response Plan consists of a base plan which is an “all hazard” plan containing general emergency response/management information. Additional annexes and appendices are under development. The appendices will cover specific functional areas related to campus response and the Annexes will cover hazard-specific considerations for each appendix as needed.

Prevention and Mitigation Plan

In 2005, the University of California conducted a Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA-2005) of all ten campuses. The recommendations contained in this report form the basis of prevention and mitigation planning for UC Santa Cruz.

Business Continuity and Recovery Plans

The business continuity and recovery planning process is accomplished through the UC Ready online tool. For more information about this effort, please visit the UC Ready page.

University of California Office of the President Policies

In addition to campus specific plans, the UC Office of the President has various policies and procedures which govern emergency management across all UC campuses, medical centers and other facilities. These policies can be found on the UCOP Systemwide Emergency Management page under “Policies and Procedures”.

Last modified: Jun 05, 2024